Tour To Enable

Tour To Enable helping Birthdays For All

A few years ago, a couple of my good friends from Blackbaud decided to turn a bucket-list item into an opportunity to raise awareness for a cause. Ben German and Lucas Cobb always wanted to live the dream of exploring America by riding Harley Davidsons along Route 66. In 2014, they did just that and raised money for a nonprofit organization for wounded veterans. They called their adventure, Tour To Enable.

In 2015, Tour To Enable rode from Charleston to Boston to Key West and back to raise money for researching the cure to paralysis.

This year, they’re back. And this time they are enabling foster children in South Carolina to have incredible birthday presents by trekking across the state…with no engines! Ben and Lucas will be dropped in the middle of nowhere out of a plane, then they have to travel 200 miles back to Charleston on foot, bike, skates, kayaks, and probably whatever else they can find.

I was delighted to hear that they had chosen to support Birthdays For All this year. It was special for me because I was there in 2014 when they first had the idea. I heard the funny stories when they were learning how to ride motorcycles. I saw them practicing in the Blackbaud parking lot. Before long, I was in the crowd watching them tell their story on the main stage at BBCON in front of thousands of nonprofit professionals. It’s amazing to have them bring their unique brand of energy, enthusiasm, excitement and sense of adventure to raise awareness for Birthdays for All and the state of foster care in South Carolina.

Tour To Enable’s support of Birthdays For All also marks a significant milestone for the organization. As they reach Columbia, Ben and Lucas will be visiting Epworth Children’s Home with a load of birthday presents. This will be the first group home we serve outside of the Lowcountry. With the support of our fundraisers, donors, and volunteers, we aim to continue our expansion throughout the state to serve more foster children.

For more information about Tour To Enable visit

You can donate to their personal fundraising page here:

We will be welcoming Tour To Enable across the finish line at our next Toy Drive event at Charleston Fun Park. Please come along, bring a new toy, and see if they survive the adventure!